SOLU Israel’s Albums, Chordsheets & More!

It begins - Zeh Matkhil

As we wrote these songs together in early 2022, the Lord was moving…but we had no idea of all that He would do. Now with grateful hearts, we’re excited for you to hear just what He gave!

May these songs stir you to be a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord as the day of His return draws near. It’s already been quite a journey, but now…it begins!

Chords / אקורדים


Were so excited to share the third volume of SOLU Worship with you! By now, you likely know these are not what we call "SOLU Songs" - simply meaning our team didn't write them. However, they are ones we love & use often. We hope you'll enjoy!

Let these songs of intimate worship, joyful praise & passionate intercession take you deeper & higher in love & partnership with our Beloved Saviour & Coming King!

Chords / אקורדים


May this second volume of SOLU Worship draw you deep into the Lord's presence! It's a mixture of translated songs we love, a few written by friends & even one original from our very own Rebekah Wagner Davis!

Whether in quiet wonder or declarations of praise, we pray you find breakthrough in His presence as you behold the beauty of our God!

Chords / אקורדים

1 He Is Light – Hu Or

2 Creator of Holy Ones – Bore K’doshim

3 Waymaker – Poretz Derekh

4 Resting Place – Kan Adon

5 Lord My Rock – Adonai Tsuri

6 Hero of the Story – Gibor Shel Ha’Sipor

7 Yeshua

8 Forever Faithful – Ne’eman La’ad

1 הוא אור

2 בורא קדושים

3 פורץ דרך

4 כאן אדון

5 אדוני צורי

6 גיבור של הסיפור

7 ישוע

8 נאמן לעד


Most of these songs were released the year before SOLU began. A remade Messianic classic by Joel Chernoff, a powerful anthem from Shilo's first album, a few of Levi's heartfelt originals & some favorite's from our dear friend Matias. The final touch is a SOLU song - "Rak Bi'zkhutkha / Only Thanks To You."

With this first offering of SOLU’s worship, there’s really so much to be thankful for! And you’re being here with us is definitely one of those things!

Chords / אקורדים