What we do
“Preparing the Way for Revival & Yeshua’s Return”
House Of Prayer

This is our foundation & first place of ministry. We give ourselves wholeheartedly in love for Yeshua as a voice in the wilderness to prepare the way for His return. We delight in Him because He delights in us!
The scriptures tell us that God’s house is a house of prayer. This speaks of it being a place of connection & real relationship, a place of belonging & partnership. It’s obviously a place where you can find God, & we’re told that this means we can also find a joy there that is beyond any other. This joy is found as we learn what it means to be beloved sons & daughters of a good & loving Abba who has called us to be holy in His love. It comes as we understand our place of privilege as the bride of the Messiah Yeshua, our bridegroom & King who calls us to reign with Him in His love. It also comes as we engage with the Holy Spirit in creative expressions using music, color & movement – both for His pleasure & for ours. The reality is, the house of prayer is God’s people. It’s the body of Messiah made up of individual believers. Before it’s ever a location, it’s a lifestyle to be lived.
At SOLU, we are laboring to establish a regular rhythm of night & day prayer. In the scriptures we see the foundations for this which gives us vision for expressions of both 24/7 prayer but also for regular morning & evening sacrifices of prayer. As a community, we are following the Lord’s leadership with faith that there may be seasons of 24/7 but also knowing that His heart is just as moved when we meet with Him in an intentional & regular rhythm of night & day prayer. He is setting us as watchmen on the wall, night & day, motivated by the knowledge that we are His delight! We are saying “yes” to partnership with Him in order to see His justice come quickly through revival & Yeshua’s return – that His kingdom would come on the earth as it is in heaven!
CREATE Culture
The Spirit moves through creative expressions of music & language, touching people’s hearts & transforming lives. Writing, recording & releasing songs (as well as other creative media) is one of the primary ways we impact culture. Divine creativity is powerful to bring change!

Teach & EQUIP

We want to help bring revelation & give practical tools to this generation, that they might embrace a lifestyle of worship, prayer & fasting. Whether hosting times of training at our SOLU Center, or by going to other cities in Israel to teach & equip, we want to help the body grow in understanding the house of prayer.
Reach the nations
Yeshua clearly told his disciples to “go” as a “light to the nations.” This was Israel's call from the beginning & it still is today. So whether to our neighbors in the region or to the ends of the earth, we have said “yes” to this call to help carry the gospel of the kingdom to the nations that the end might come.